Anne Frank, a teenage girl with a vibrant spirit and a gift for writing, chronicles the courage and terror of their life in hiding. Our production, featuring a multi-racial cast, honors this “undeniably moving” (The New York Times) story as it speaks to today’s increasingly nationalistic world.
Community Night tickets are only $29 — February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Lively pre-performance discussions about the play with Production Dramaturg Alix Rosenfeld and a member of the artistic team. Add Scoop to your shopping cart with ticket purchase for only $5.
6pm in the Leonard C. Haas lobby on March 21st with Danielle Leneé, March 28th with John Zak
Facilitated post-performance conversations with the cast after Thursday evening performances, excluding previews.
March 1st, 8th, 15th, 29th
Enjoy a prix fixe dinner-and-a-show package at our award-winning restaurant, The Farmhouse Bistro. Theatre ticket and dinner packages start at $81. That's a savings of up to 15% off the single ticket price! You can also add on a prix fixe dinner to any existing ticket order for $40.
An LED screen near the stage displays dialogue in real-time, simultaneous with live speech and action. No other aspect of the performance is altered.
Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday performance beginning February 25th
Audio Description headsets provide commentary on the visual aspects of a performance (the set, costumes, and lighting effects, as well as the physical actions and body language of the actors) for our patrons with visual impairments. This supplemental narration interweaves with the real-time, spoken dialogue, so patrons won’t miss a moment of the performance. In conjunction with this service, we will offer pre-performance sensory tours with an opportunity to experience up close and feel certain key props and costume pieces.
The 2pm matinees on: March 10th, 24th, 31st. Sensory tours begin at 1:15 - see House Management upon arrival.
People's Light welcomes service animals to all performances and offers a designated relief area for their comfort.
Canine Partners for Life will host a pre-performance demonstration session of their work training service animals at 1pm on March 31st, prior to the 2pm matinee
Small group conversations will be facilitated by community partners in the upper Leonard C. Haas Lobby, following the 2pm matinee performances on:
February 25th, March 11th
"Adolescence, Trauma, & Resilience"
March 4th, 4:30-6pm
- Allie Dolan, Center for Excellence in Advocacy Training Coordinator, Support Center for Child Advocates
- Terrell Green, Health Educator | Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC)’s Philadelphia Area Sexual Health Initiative and HEART Study
- Nina Guzman, Founder & Executive Director, Alianzas de Phoenixville
- Karen Moon, Clinical Social Work/Therapist, MSW, LCSW
- Rebecca A. Tavangar, Psychotherapist, Trauma Counselor; Greater Phoenixville ACEs Committee member; Chester County ACEs Coalition
"Identity & Tradition"
March 18th, 4:30-6pm
- Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum, Temple Har Zion (Mt. Holly, NJ)
- Randi Boyette, Director of Education, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Philadelphia
- Madina, Sophomore, Northeast High School, Philadelphia
- Salawat, Junior, Northeast High School, Philadelphia
"The Freedom Seder at 49: Origins and Future"
March 23rd, 6:30-7:15pm
- Reverend Greg Holston, Ph.D., executive director of POWER
- Reverend Mark Tyler, Pastor, Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Founder and Director of The Shalom Center
- Alix Rosenfeld, Production Dramaturg of The Diary of Anne Frank
"Anne Frank: Why Now?"
March 25th, 5-6:30pm
- Lisa Hoffstein, Executive Director, Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect
- Jared Jackson, Founder & Executive Director, Jews in ALL Hues
- Cathryn Miller-Wilson, Esquire, Executive Director of Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Pennsylvania (HIAS)
- Robert Nosanchuk, Senior Rabbi, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, Cleveland, OH
"This particular production’s casting elevated the play to another level, embracing the characters’ Jewishness while speaking to a time in which many people ... feel less safe and welcome in this country."
— American Theatre Magazine
"A clear victory for live theater"
"The People’s Light production packs a wallop”
— The Philadelphia Inquirer
“Well-acted, smartly designed”
“Brittany Anikka Liu's Anne...excels with childlike energy and ferocious honesty.”
— Broad Street Review
"A sterling example of a strong script coupled with a great ensemble."
— Phindie