People’s Light will charge your credit card the initial amount the day you sign-up and then every month thereafter until you tell us otherwise.
All monthly gift installments will be processed between the 12th and 20th of every month.
If your credit card expires or changes, please call Megan Lea, (610) 647-1900 x 133, to provide updated information.
If a payment fails to go through, we will reach out about updating the billing information. We will not ask for back payments. After three missed payments and no successful contact, your ongoing monthly giving plan will be canceled. This does not bar later monthly giving re-enrollment.
Each January you will receive a summary of your giving during the previous calendar year.
We ask for 30 days’ notice if you wish to withdraw from the program or change the amount of your monthly gift at any time by calling Megan Lea, (610) 647-1900 x 133 or emailing
Call or email Megan Lea, Development Operations Coordinator, at (610) 647-1900 x 133 or