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Our Mission

People’s Light, a cultural and civic center with theatre at its core, invites and creates opportunities for diverse communities to discover and celebrate our shared humanity.

Our Values


We seek new ways and ideas to challenge our vision and deepen our impact in an ever-changing world.


We strive for excellence with passion. Skill, imagination, and trust allow us to risk.


We foster opportunities for self-discovery, a sense of connection with others, and life-long learning.


We embrace a shared accountability to strengthen our communities and contribute to the vitality of our society and culture.


We commit to diversity, equity, and collaboration within all levels of our interpersonal, artistic, and civic engagement. A warm welcome, hospitality, and a generous spirit provide the foundation of our work.


We create meaningful and enduring relationships to cultivate trust and embolden discovery.


We respect our resources. We live within our financial means, and honor the people with whom we work, the buildings and grounds we inhabit, and the communities we serve.

Our Mission in Action
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