Our costume shop staff will help you find what you need for your next project. If you don’t see it in the database, contact us! We have many pieces that have not been added yet.
CLICK HERE to browse the database
Once you have found something you would like to rent, make note of the item code and use the rental forms below to submit your request. The database is just for browsing the items we have in stock. It can be filtered by things like style, color, size, and item availability.
This short video demonstrates how to use the "filter" and "sort" functions to find what you're looking for.
Please keep in mind that our costume shop staff becomes very busy during the weeks that we are in technical rehearsals or running a production, so please be patient if there is a delay in hearing back from us. It is best to contact us in advance when possible.
For more information please contact:
610-647-1900 ext. 131
Rental Forms & Policies
Download and fill out these forms, then email them back to our Costume Shop at costumerentals@peopleslight.org.