Bailey Roper


People’s Light debut. Theatre Includes: Off-Broadway: Galatea (WP Theater). Regional: Jess and Joe (upcoming, Tiny Dynamite); Tiny Beautiful Things (Arden Theatre Company); Whisper’s Gone (Theatre Exile); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival); Twelfth Night (Shakespeare in Clark Park); The Last Door (Ethos Physical Theater/Orlando Fringe). Education: BFA – Acting (University of the Arts). Core Ensemble Member of Plant Me Here (2017-2018). Bailey’s solo work and collaborative work with Elliott Arrick has been shown at Singe Carrot Theatre, Icebox Project Space, Vox Populi, Elsewhere Museum, Davinci Art Alliance, UNCG ArtTruck, DOTBiZ: Cranbrook Academy, and Genevieve’s house. Many thanks to Pfeiff and this team, and to all my fam (blood and chosen) who keep me whole.