When his groundbreaking NBC variety show failed to attract a national sponsor, Nat “King” Cole famously declared that “Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark.” In this theatrical exploration into the soul of an American icon, Colman Domingo and Patricia McGregor imagine Nat as he faces his final Christmastime broadcast, and weighs the advice of his friend Sammy Davis Jr. to “go out with a bang.” This world premiere, replete with hits and holiday standards like “Nature Boy,” “It’s A Good Day,” “Unforgettable,” and “Joy To The World,” also features appearances by Eartha Kitt and Peggy Lee. Lights Out: Nat “King” Cole has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage.
Real and surreal do a tap-dance throw-down...
"the world-premiere work ... is a highly inventive theatrical vision"
".. it is a powerful call to action for those of us who cannot bear to see the worst parts of our history rise again."