24/25 Book Club: 
A Raisin in the Sun 
by Lorraine Hansberry

For the month of March, People’s Light will be encouraging a month of reading of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, a play currently being banned around the country, in conjunction with our production of the same name directed by People’s Light Associate Artistic Director Steve H. Broadnax III. If you would like to participate, please visit your local participating library or bookstore for a copy! If you have a copy you’d like to donate for this project, please email watring@peopleslight.org

Starting at the end of March, People’s Light and participating partners will be hosting book clubs, book discussions, panels, and more, all focused on banned books, and A Raisin in the Sun.

If you’d like to join this effort as an individual or an organization, please email watring@peopleslight.org for more information!

We hope you’ll join us!

According to the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, 4,240 unique book titles were targeted for censorship in 2023, a 92% increase from 2022. Novels from influential authors such as Toni Morrison, Harper Lee, and Mark Twain are being challenged, pulled from shelves, and removed from curriculum, across the country. Stories like Hurricane Diane that feature diverse narratives and characters are facing particular pushback. To protect endangered stories and raise awareness about book banning, People’s Light is proud to be a Book Sanctuary! Book Sanctuaries are organizations or individuals committed to educating their communities about the history of book banning, as well as collecting and protecting endangered books. To learn more about Book Sanctuaries, visit booksanctuary.org.